Wednesday, December 15, 2021


First off, I had to clarify the spelling of the title: "resilience" vs "resiliency". The latter has definitely gained the upper hand in the battle for primacy these days, but the former is really the default usage.

On to the actual content. After last night's deflating news from Tufts, I certainly had to struggle back to get into the flow. We were certainly hoping for Santa to come early, though in the back of our minds we know that Boston is an awful long ways away from home for a kid who has never flown alone yet.

So now we have to model resilience. Graham has to hunker down and produce some more essays this month. Oh well. It's not like getting in to college is the be all and end all of it. I had my struggles at Yale for sure, Natalie has had her own. Mary would have been absolutely lost at Michigan had she not been in the Residential College.

To his credit, Graham chose to receive the college news at a Starbucks with his friends Sam and Tyler. Though he got bad news, his strategic positioning one him the consolation prize of a free muffin, which the baristas said they would have to throw away if no one took it. It was a pumpkin muffin, with a rich vein of cream cheese running through it. Dairy allergy or no dairy allergy, Graham ate the hell out of that thing and showed no signs of an allergic reaction, at least while I was downstairs. Go Graham!

Up this morning crafting my day, I saw that I had a LinkedIn invite from the child of a friend who's a sophomore in the business program at App State who wants to pursue a career in sales. I love it. Nobody says they want to go into sales, but one way or another, everybody ends up in sales. Some people just get to the age of 50 or 60 before they realize it. I want to have coffee with this kid.

But first, I need to sell some of Mary's books (go here to get yours!) and then get on with my day. I'm kind of excited because for the first time in what seems like weeks I don't have to be focused on lake stuff or reviews for current clients and I can focus on building and maintaining my practice, including some continuing ed stuff for a professional certification. I need a bunch of hours by April 30. 

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