Sunday, December 26, 2021

Bear Mountain

After almost a week of very diligently and patiently inspecting all aspects of George and Rob's house, today we set off for a mini-adventure up at Bear Mountain State Park, about half an hour up the Hudson. This is a park I had been past and near to many times over the years -- I remember in particular a lovely walk Mary in took in the nearby Harriman State Park on our mini-honeymoon almost a quarter century back -- I guess I had never been in this one.

It's kind of an odd place, close enough to the City that it basically feels like an extension of it, but with lodges and suchlike built in the WPA rustic style that you see in so many national parks. There's also a skating rink, which we parked near, and the trail we chose took us up over the rink, so that our hike was serenaded by the blasting of pop music, not all of it award-winning.

It got pretty steep pretty quickly and the trails degenerated at a similar pace. Turns out we would have been better off going up the trail with all those staircases, though we would have been cursing them soon enough. We ended up walking around this little lake to get in enough miles to call it exercise. Still, it was a good deal better than walking here in the nabe or around the graveyard and it effectively killed off an afternoon.

On the drive back, Rob discussed a range of wacky business ideas that we all agreed were nonsense. But that's pretty much par for the course.

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