Saturday, December 25, 2021

Christmas bustle

Things are busy in the heart of the house with meal prep etc while I oscillate between hiding out in my room trying to get little things done and read. I am currently trying to generate momentum in William Gibson and Bruce Sterling's The Difference Engine. Gibson -- and I guess a lot of sci-fi -- often takes a lot of concentration and focus to sort of get immersed into his world. This novel, with its steampunk alternate past with a lot of pretty much useless descriptions of fashion elements based on historical fashions themselves splinched together from various times and places. Hopefully the book eventually rewards the effort. 

Anyhoo, I've decided to come downstairs to be available to help with cooking and cleaning as necessary. Part of it is me getting sucked into the guilt cycle of "we were working so hard on dinner and you weren't doing anything." I have now offered to help but haven't been taken up on it, except for a little cleaning here and there between cycles of meal prep.

Pretty much all is in order, however. The presents are under the tree. Things are progressing. The food smells good.

I have now been drafted to work on the fake sausage for the vegan stuffing. 

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