Monday, May 13, 2024

What's going on

The most stalwart readers amongst you may well have wondered what has been going on with my lack of posts in recent weeks and days. Here's the deal.

Mary has breast cancer. She had some surgery about 10 days ago and we've been dealing with that. I've not been writing about it, as I alluded, out of a concern for privacy but it's really not tenable to have a blog about your life and not write about the biggest things going on in it.

Admittedly, I have for the entire period of the blog studiously abided by a policy of not writing things critical of my wife or, to as great an extent possible, other family members and even friends. Who wants to read somebody bitching about other people, after all? More importantly, there's always tension in relationships, particularly close ones, and learning to manage through them and accept that you're not always right (indeed quite often if not most of the time you're not), is a big part of life.

Cancer falls into another category of personal matters, however. To the extent that accepting, dealing with, and managing through it will be a big theme in my life going forward, I'm not going to keep it off the table anymore.

On the other hand, I'll try not to let the blog devolve entirely into a granular recounting of her and our cancer journey. There are plenty of those available in book form, on the interweb, what have you. But the topic overweens in our personal experience so much that I can hardly write about my life without writing about it.


Easy Rawlins said...

Man. Pulling for you all. Nothing wise to say, just wanted to send good vibes and good wishes to you, your wife, and your whole family.

Anonymous said...

I appreciate you