Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Not our best day

Frankly, today was a bit disheartening. We had a follow up with Mary's plastic surgeon, who let us know that a little cellulitis Mary has been experiencing but has not fully resolved needs to fully resolve, so she'll be staying on an antibiotic for another week. It's not that continuing on the drug is bad, it's just that we want to see progress. If in a couple of days we don't see progress we may need to try another antibiotic lest something more drastic be needed...

This comes after a somewhat dicey moment on Sunday when Mary was doing some range of motion activities first thing in the morning while I was making pancakes. When hers were ready, she put her head down on the table saying she felt lightheaded, then asked me to help her walk over to the couch so she could lay down. When she was about three steps from the couch, I felt her knees buckling and I helped her lie down on the floor. We took her blood pressure and it was super low.

It being the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend, I knew we weren't going to no emergency room, so I did the only rational thing and called the cardiologist who lives next door and asked if he could come up to our house. He came over and took Mary's pulse and blood pressure, which was closer to normal. He decided that Mary had had a "vagal" event, basically a psychosomatic freakout, a theory which Mary was also by then touting. He told the story of how his wife had fainted not once but three times at their wedding, including when they were proceeding out of the church ("I wasn't sure what the protocol was in that situation, do you step over the bride or around the bride?"). Mary got through the day.

Really the main thing is that three weeks after surgery we want to be entirely on the good foot, but we're not there. Particularly as we have another "procedure" coming up next Tuesday to make sure no cancer has made it to Mary's lymph nodes.

I wasn't really sure if I needed to write all of this, but honestly by now I think I will be happy in the future to have a real record of where we are at right now, as opposed to some random paragraphs I grind out pro forma to fulfill my implicit contract with my many, many devoted readers. I know from looking at past posts that I actually prefer the real ones to the writerly ones. 

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