Wednesday, May 22, 2024

A lot of pizza

On Monday evening a teammate of Graham's from UNC's Quiz Bowl team -- an East Asian young woman named Yvonne -- appeared on Jeopardy and barely lost to the reigning champion but acquitted herself quite well. Graham invited a bunch of the Quiz Bowl kids over to our house to watch the goings on. Of course we had to feed them and of course the natural candidate for dinner was pizza, which we of course had to get from the venerable Sal's out on Homestead.

There has long been a debate in our home about how to feed guests. I have always espoused the theory that if you don't have too much food, you can't be sure you have enough. Mary, having been raised a Berridge, hates to waste food and therefore is inclined to try to order just the right amount. So I was quite pleased when I pulled into the driveway Monday evening right about the same time as Mary returned from Sal's (their proposed delivery fee seemed extravagant). We were expecting maybe 9 kids plus the two of us and Mary had ordered five large pizzas. Well done!

But of course, as is often the case, the kids ate less pizza then we thought they would. One of them had already had dinner. Others of them were, I suspect, just shy about feasting. Or maybe they're just not gluttons like me. At any rate we ended up with a lot of extra pizza, a surplus we are currently eating through. I would be willing to eat the stuff breakfast, lunch and dinner until we polished it off, but Mary looks askance at this practice. We may have to invoke Rob, who leans vegan but will eat anything if it is about to go to waste, to work through the surfeit.

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