Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Catching the worm

I woke up this morning at 5:30, not because of anything so rational as a cat meowing at my door, but really just because of the weight of client issues that I can't solve on top of everything else, including, as a bonus, the fact that our other cat Leon decided he was tired of Rascal getting all the attention so he did a little puking on a rug himself last night. In short, if I am honest with myself, most of my struggles right now are about aging, entropy and lack of control. What else is new?

With the Premier League season completed, it's easier for me to carve out time to continue on with our friend Noralee as she makes her way down the West Coast of Africa. In last night's episode she entered into Guinea-Bissau from Senegal. The episode proceeds largely at a mellow pace till we reach the last seven minutes or so, when she walks around the seemingly well-manicured streets of the old part of the capital Bissau and tells us that there's a ship out in the harbor burning what sounds like bunker fuel to generate electricity which is the only centralized source of electricity in the whole country. Beyond that it's all private generators. The World Bank promises hydroelectric but nobody believes it.

Small wonder that people in countries like this could really give a fuck about what's going on in Ukraine and how we think they should feel about it. Though the President of Guinea-Bissau was received in Moscow by Putin and also visited Zelensky in Kyiv.

Wikipedia tells us that Guinea-Bissau, like other places in West Africa, has been adopted by Latin American gangs as a favored place for the transshipment of drugs to Europe.

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