Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Another productive day at home

I stayed home today because, frankly, we had a lot of pizza in the fridge (still do) and a friend from down the street was planning to have lunch with me. It just seemed stupid to leave the house. As per usual with days when I don't leave the house, I actually got a lot done due to fewer distractions and also my ability to slide over to my office couch -- on which I am sitting now, gentle reader -- and do a little reading.

And yet the day nonetheless feels incomplete. I feel like one is supposed to leave the house during the work day, to get out there in the world and see other people. Yes, somebody came to me and yes, I did spend about 3 hours between Zoom and the phone talking to team members and clients about both this and that, but something is missing.

I will, for sure, go for a little walk before hanging it up today, which will get me my pro forma leaving of the house. Perhaps I will even sneak out to buy some kitty litter, because we are running low.

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