Saturday, May 18, 2024

Parking Prii

My apologies for the consecutive car-related posts, but this is -- after all -- the US of A, car culture central. Except for those subversives amongst us who huddle in our "little" (for by European or Japanese standards they're not really small at all) hybrid things.

At any rate, I've been driving Prii for a full twelve years now, starting with the 2010 Prius C (now known as Beatrice and driven primarily by Mary) we acquired in 2012, followed by the V (the middle greenish-blue car in the picture below). This comes to 29% of my driving years on planet Earth, or, more precisely if you exclude the years I lived in NYC and Moscow -- much of which I lacked a driver's license because of trouble with drinking, driving, and NCDMV -- north of 33% of my driving. Despite this, I have still never quite accustomed myself to consistently pulling as far forward into parking spaces as the snub nose of the Prius permits.

So I was very happy to see this morning, and of course I realized this only after I had gotten out of my car, that I had once more failed to pull forward far enough. And then, to compound the wonder of it all, a third Prius, a darker one just visible over the top of the V, made the same error and pulled up short. So we had a small fleet of Prii with their butts sticking out into the parking lot.  Go Team Prius!

Of course, American parking spaces are amply proportioned so as to fit all the F-150s, Silverados, Hummers and other boat-like vehicles that fill us with so much pride and patriotism. So nobody is harmed. But I'll bet there are some drivers of SUVs and whatnot who secretly seethe and fume when they see us Prius drivers do this. But fuck em.

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