Tuesday, May 14, 2024


This is the 4,000th published post of the Grouse, which now spans the period from parenting toddlers to the onset of what some might think of as late in life problems, but which I am preferring to view as bumps in the road. The fact that this has happened in slightly less than 20 years makes us reflective of our generation, which has been in aggregate having kids at progressively older ages. I'll return some other day to the threat of this demographic bust to the global economy. At least we had two.

We will roll forward. When I started the blog, I had little idea that it would become what threatens to become at lifelong project. In its early stages it was beset by a bunch of clowns who thought it would be funny to pretend to be auto-generated comments touting penile enhancements, which was a common theme of the aughts. Actually they did some good work, but proved to have little stamina. I have decidedly outlasted them.*

To all of you who have ridden shotgun with me through this ever-thrilling adventure in sitting and typing, I offer thanks and praise. I look forward to seeing all of you here or there, for lunch or coffee or whatever, and to hear what's up with you and what's on your mind.

* Unlike last night, when Z had more stamina than me and saw me off 7-5, 7-6 (7-5) over 2.5 hours in the thrilling final of the regular season of the Farm 3.5 men's singles championship. I am coming for him in the playoffs.

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