Thursday, February 01, 2024

Missing out on some big things

I awoke this morning feeling pretty good, then I realized it was a work day. That's not a good sign. It's not so much that I dislike what I do, it's more that I suffer from having to deal with too many of the quotidian details of people's planning. Our organization hasn't matured enough for me to delegate enough effectively. We are working on it.

I know I know. Cry me a motherfucking river, you may well be thinking.

One thing I haven't really put enough time into pondering is AI and where it will actually be useful. Mostly I wallow in the dystopian but very real concerns about things like deepfakes and the influence they may have on politics. Today I read a very hopeful story in the Economist (you knew that was coming) about ways AI may be very useful in things like education and health care in the developing world. Lots of good people trying to do good with the new technology.

As I've said before, the really big issue here, I think, is alignment and leadership. For any of these efforts to work they need to be developed and implemented in places where people fundamentally believe that society is stable enough that tomorrow could well be better than today if they work together. So at the top level you can't have really corrupt regimes trying to steal all they can and whisk it away to a numbered account in Switzerland or an apartment in London, Dubai, Moscow, or even New York, or trying to let the Wagner Group come in and help them crush their opposition. It's a hard ask but we have to believe in it and work towards it.

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