Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Letting go of hot sauce and salt

My nephrologist team suggested that I dial back on salt in response to my mild hypertension. This, it goes without saying, is a hard thing to do, though I understand the principle and the rationale and I even get it when they told me to cut down on food that comes in boxes, cans, and from restaurants. They had it all tied up in some nifty acronym which I have since forgotten.

In truth, I am trying. I have given up adding salt to anything whenever I can and keep in mind their injunction about hyper-processed foods. Needless to say, it ain't easy and I am far from anything vaguely resembling 100% compliance.

At the same time, I am making an effort to cut back a little on my tendency to put hot sauce on as many things as possible. I don't have a specific health directive around this effort, it has more of a strictly aesthetic/ascetic goal, namely to try to reconnect with and better appreciate quiet pleasures, to find more in less. So far, so good.

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