Monday, August 15, 2022

Turning a corner towards fall

After weeks of unstinting, blazing heat, we appear to be entering a new weather pattern, featuring more moderate temperatures and more rain. Today it was downright fall-like outside.

Of course I should be nothing but happy. Instead, I am a little melancholy at the passing of summer and the sense -- however illusory in the face of the reality of earning a living and deep interdependence with so many facets of the outside world [rumblings of war, political excesses, aging, etc] it brings of pure freedom. Fall, though it opens many very welcome doors and initiates its own set of happy rhythms, slams the door on others.

Right now Mary's mom Mary Lee is not doing so great. She might not be doing so badly either, it's hard to tell when someone's 90 and has a number of underlying conditions. But she's had enough near term struggles that I'm hoping Mary will head north before too long to spend time with her mom and -- perhaps more importantly -- spell her sister a little. Hopefully this little storm passes, like so many have for Mary Lee over the years.

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