Tuesday, August 09, 2022

Quasi brain dead

after a day of talking to people on the phone and on Zoom and over lunch, of texting and emailing and reading. Today's conversations included one in which I learned of someone who died while out hiking, someone in their 20s, recently married. I checked in on a client going through chemo, another who'd had an accident recently. While out at lunch I saw a former client who told me she'd retired recently, which was a surprise because I didn't think she was ready for it financially. Saw someone else just two years older than me who said he was thinking of retiring. I don't doubt he's got the money, I just wonder what he'd do all day.

Beyond that it was a full day of pondering various potential futures and contingencies on a wide range of fronts. Exhausting.

But Graham is basically packed for college, though it turns out he could use more underwear. We've been doing some amount of laundry more or less every day, which papered over the fact that he seems to have only 6 pairs or so. Which could become problematic given the laundering habits of college students. He could also use a haircut, but hasn't been racing to get that done himself. We'll see what gets done tomorrow before his scheduled 3 pm arrival at his dorm.

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