Thursday, September 30, 2021

Above the clouds

At the end of September, I have a feeling that our flight for the upcoming year has finally passed through the mild turbulence of some clouds and we've emerged at the blue sky up above. Graham's expectations and plans for college application have settled through a little period of adjustment to having brought in professional counsel. He has tweaked his essay a little -- not without some back and forth about how his essay reflects himself and edits to it therefore make it less him (welcome to adulting, we said).* He has adjusted his early application strategy, we think.

Business is flowing, though every day is fluid and a process of adjusting and re-setting priorities.

Things at the lake have settled down a little.

With late summer travels settling down, tennis is back into a sustainable cycle -- though I've been losing a little more than I'd like. Nonetheless, I'm playing a bunch, which is good. Yesterday I lost 6-3 to Ruchir but I served well and that's just how bad he beat me last year. Given that he practices constantly and plays in tournaments and is basically getting better all the time, I'm OK with that. I think it vexes him that I take as many games off of him as I do.


*Talked to a client yesterday about her son's essay and back and forth they've been having on it. Much like our discussions, and it brought back faint memories of tensions between me and mom about my own valedictorian speech.

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