Friday, September 17, 2021

Graham at 18

Astonishingly enough, Graham is 18. As per usual, a bunch of boys will be coming over at 7, to eat pizza, hang out around a fire, and eat smores. Mary is assuming that they don't care about having cake on top of smores and that they can do without singing the Happy Birthday song. I'm not so sure. Annoying though the song may be, there is something singular if slightly embarrassing about being the absolute center of attention of one small corner of the universe, however fleeting the moment, when everyone is singing Happy Birthday to you. Particularly because it's one time when everybody sings, no matter how shitty a singer they are, and are generally happy when doing so.

But back to Graham. He seems to be in pretty good spirits, having weathered the social challenges of late summer and also a little turbulence to the whole getting ready for college applications thang. He seems to be having a good day, so we'll just roll with that, one day at a time. 

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