Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Flaring fears

After a year of visiting colleges, all too often just walking around their campuses and trying to figure something out -- college application season is upon us in full force in all of its glory. My friend Kristin over the weekend let us know that she was back in the business for this season -- she had thought she was moving on to focus on other parts of her practice. 

Yesterday Mary and Graham met with her and had her look through Graham's list of schools, transcripts, test scores, etc, but it was all kind of rushed for this first meeting. I wasn't on the call, but there was a bit of an anxiety flare up, much of it focused around Graham's plan to apply early to Yale though his transcript isn't quite as squeaky clean as would be ideal. Also we had a number of schools on the list that were also in the long reach category.

Fundamentally the issue is our anchoring around the prestige factor of the institutions because we know what a freaking genius Graham is, and also looking for a place that will be the right scale and character for Graham given his quirkiness/ASD diagnosis. I've been working super hard to let go of the prestige thing -- I know so many ass-kicking and awesome people who went places like App State -- but Mary has so much invested in Graham that it's hard for her to let it go. I of course also want the world to acknowledge and see Graham's brilliance and pluck (he did after all just take his math score from 710 to 790 just by hunkering over his computer and Khan Academy), but really recognize that we can't control the schedule or scale at which the world recognizes it.

Sorry if I've written about this before. 

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