Monday, May 03, 2021

The good fortune of a slow day

Forgot to set my alarm and woke up this morning a little after 8. Whoops! No biggie, my calendar is pretty light today in terms of fixed responsibilities, if not items on my task list. There is never a shortage of productive things to do. Rather than beat myself up, I really just need to remind myself how fortunate I am to not have to sweat such matters.

But also, I'll take it. Looking forward, I must say that all I see for the summer is a continual scramble of logistics: trip to NYC, then getting Natalie out of her apartment and back to NC. Getting her to California (Mary's handling that one, but I'll have to frontrun the logistics). Visiting clients Seattle. Taking Graham to visit colleges and starting work on essays. Visiting family in NY. Roadtrip back from Austin with Natalie (that will be true adventure. I've never been to the deep South, really, and we could go through Alabama and Mississippi).

Much of this will be fun, in its own way, but it's also a ton of time behind the wheel, and I'm not sure where the vacation happens.

So if I sleep in one fine morning, so be it.

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