Tuesday, May 04, 2021

Dinner table conversations

A friend of mine who works at home alongside her husband recently joked that she and he have to be careful not to speak much at lunch so they can have something to talk about at dinner. We have a little bit of that going on in our household. Every night we drag ourselves down into the mire of: "How was your day?" Which can easily get bogged down in excessive detail or frustration or even -- if one of us has a particularly good day, and it's more likely to be me because I leave the house more -- mild envy.

When there is so much going on in the world but it's so hard to talk about it. Right now -- India. Burning up with COVID, so many dying, so much pain. On the one hand, who wants to talk about it. On the other, we kind of need to because ultimately we are all bound up together in all of this and we need to convey to our kids an understanding of that, and the global topics are almost more easily addressed because they are more distant from us than the local ones.

But we get bogged down in our little shit.

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