Sunday, May 23, 2021

Hop to the hinterlands

Yesterday I hopped up to Josh's place up on Lake Gaston for a sliver of guys' weekend, before heading back to Chapel Hill for dinner and a movie with Natalie and Graham. For lunch we went to this place at a marina down the lake, where pretty much nobody had on masks. I did see one African-American guy wearing one from his car into the restaurant. The pandemic, it would seem, is over.

But it's not. It rages on in the developing world. Supply chains are disrupted, there is huge inflationary pressure from stimulus, etc. People are all so pent up from having to stay at home more and having had it be harder to consume a wide range of things. While it's good on the one hand for people get out to see friends and relatives and stoke demand to get people integrated back into the workforce, folks also just need to calm the fuck down, think about what's important, and recognize that we're in a weird place as a planet.

There is still a lot of opportunity for good and for improvement, if we can get our heads right. 

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