Monday, October 13, 2008

Nobel for Krugman

I saw the guy in the tunnel beneath the 2/3 at Penn Station wearing goofy shorts a few weeks back.

Who knew he was still working as an economist? I thought he had gone over almost entirely to writing tendentious pro-Democrat op-ed pieces in the New York Times.

It's not that I don't agree with most of what he says, I just think there are other people who can write that stuff while he has demonstrated, from the time I first read him when he had a column on Slate in the mid-90s, a singular ability to articulate complex economic issues in a way which is accessible to the non-specialist reader, and to not prejudge the issues. In short, he can present questions, positions on them, and contradictions within them, without force-feeding answers. He is rare in his ability to do so, and he debases himself as a continual purveyor of certitude.

Congratulations, in any event, are in order. He's a good guy.

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