Thursday, January 18, 2024

Progress report

A few posts ago I mentioned that I was undertaking the project of a financial daily reader. Part of me still thinks that's a good format, because I'm obviously used to writing regularly in short and daily chunks. Another part of me (and I'm not about to say which part that is) wonders if in fact I would be better served to try to write a coherent book-length argument about the nature and practice of personal finance before decomposing it across the span of the year. I have at least begun the process of laying out the daily reader across months. It could be that the process of assembling the thought chunks will instead lend itself to a unified argument.

I have not yet managed to disentangle myself from DuoLingo. In our semi-annual confab in support of my meds maintenance, my psychiatrist confirmed what I had read, namely that there are real cognitive benefits to continued language study. Not that he knows everything, but I'll respect his opinion.

Most importantly, I have begun to settle on some guitar gurus to help me, especially with Travis picking, the very bedrock of all finger-style guitar. I need only take the leap from watching videos to regular practice. Or, rather, I need to stop watching videos and just practice more.

What has suffered from all this, sadly, is my TV viewing. Such is life. But as I watch less, I feel enriched by the way my back queue of potential shows and movies to watch gets deeper and deeper on the platforms.

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