Monday, January 29, 2024

Off the Road again

Returned late yesterday from my second ski trip out west with college friends. In many regards, the results were much the same. I had a nice day in Boulder with Leslie (this time augmented by a freshly-retired Walter). I escaped unscathed by injury and didn't even gain weight despite eating pretty freely while out there. I improved my skiing, but didn't push myself too hard.

In terms of hanging, this year's trip was an improvement over last year's because I was more used to being with this bunch of guys and knew more what to expect. We never were able to quite arrive at something to watch after dinner that was perfect for everyone. What was different is that rather than try to go through the grueling work of squaring that circle perfectly, the outliers just peeled off and went to bed. 

It's late now and I've got to get on with the day. I had taken a short hiatus from the trying to jam blog posts in every day but Danny was working hard to convince me that regular practice is essential for any flourishing practice. I'm still not certain if 240 is the right number of posts to target for the year. Does a number like that promote the production of dreck?

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