Tuesday, May 02, 2023

The need to step out

As time rolls on I become ever more convinced at some level that I am developing a pretty consistent overall worldview based on a few basic principles: moderation, preservation, calm, staying in touch with people blah blah blah. So many aspects of my world cohere neatly. It all begins to look something like wisdom.

Then again, it's all to some extent predicated on the very narrowness of my world. I am highly routinized and consume a pretty constrained set of content. There's a whole range of stuff out there I don't engage with at all. First and foremost, poverty. On another register but equally illustratively, video games, which as an industry is five times larger than cinema globally by revenue.

I have to keep this kind of thing in mind and push myself outwards to keep enriching my experience. But then I run up against the age-old need to balance focus and breadth lest I become Jack of all trades and master of less than none. Perhaps the greatest demonstration of my own limitations is how amazing other people are when I can take the time to get to know more of them.

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