Monday, May 29, 2023


Over the years I've often been of the mind that "It's not so bad to fly into LaGuardia, take the M60 to 125th Street then hop on the New Haven line" to get from RDU to New Haven. I have buttressed this line of thought with arguments like "it's nice to take NY public transport and be in touch with the metro area and its population" and "I'm not on the train enough. It's nice to watch the world go by and read my book." All of this is true, or at least none of it is an outright lie.

But man was it nice to fly directly from New Haven to RDU yesterday. Tweed Airport is only about 4 miles from Yale's campus. Per Google Maps, it could be walked in as little as an hour and a half, which means it would actually take 1:15 or so, and would be doable if traveling with only a backpack. That, my friends, would be interesting.

Or, you could do what I did yesterday: lollygag in Branford courtyard with a novel, walk down to Nica's on Orange St for a sandwich or one of those delicious slices I've never tried, get an iced coffee, then finally let a Lyft driver take me out to the airport in 10 minutes. Of course, the irony is that with Natalie graduated, I have little reason to back there regularly, sigh. Maybe Graham will go there for grad school!

By the way, I'm aware that this last week I've blogged a fair amount about things that have made my life easier and/or little bagatelles, but it's my blog, bitches. If you don't like it, read something else. 

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