Monday, May 15, 2023

Continuing on

The question touched on yesterday is a pretty good one: why do I identify so strongly with these self-destructive, tragic songwriter types? Aside from the obvious fact that they write such good songs and/or really seem to integrate some distinct facet of themselves with the guitar.

On the one hand, I kind of ask too much of myself and don't ask for enough help. I too willingly accept the idea that I don't do enough.

So I perhaps freestyle a little excessively, trying to bull through on the rugged masculine DIY choose your religion ethos of the post everything age. A client who is deeper into AA than I am the other day said to me that she has started going to Al Anon a lot and gotten a sponsor and was working the steps because (here my mind blanks on the very convincing slogan she evoked).

Then again, she's retired and has a lot more day to day freedom than I have. I have my cruel taskmasters, each of which asks something of me today: work, Z on the court, citizenship (LFA meeting tonight), and parenting. All good. 

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