Thursday, May 11, 2023

Picking up Graham from his dorm

And so, just like that, as if in the flicker of an eye, freshman year is over, Graham is a rising sophomore. Tuesday evening we picked him up from his dorm. It was an easier process than it might have been for many parents, because Graham and his roommate Sam have accumulated very little stuff. There were no posters on the wall to be taken up and rolled up carefully for next year. There was no rug on the floor (they thought they had scored a carpet sample from the ECHHS robotics coach early in the year, but had neglected to consider measuring it beforehand. It turned out to be ridiculously large for the proposed space). When they were cleaning Graham's desk Mary asked if he had gotten everything out of the drawers. Graham said that he didn't think he had ever put anything in the drawers. This was indeed the case.

I got up there for the tail end of the process and to load the mini-fridge and Graham's bike into my car. Part of me felt negligent for not being there for the whole process. Then I remembered that I myself had loaded out of my own dorm room at the end of freshman year and road tripped home with Mark in an epic trip that took us to Albany to see Mark's girlfriend Suzanne (seemed like the thing to do at the time) and saw us both reenacting the Civil War at Gettysburg with a frisbee and then sacrificing that same frisbee to the windy gods from somewhere on Skyline Drive in Virginia. The real question is what the hell was I doing with a car in New Haven my freshman year while living on campus? Where the hell did I park it? No idea. But I digress.

Below is a picture of Sam and Graham with their version of "American Gothic" right before we left their room for the last time. Happy trails.


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