Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Leftover pancakes

This weekend we mixed things up a little bit. Usually Sunday is pancake day, but since I had gotten fresh bagels on Saturday, Graham and I agreed to put off pancakes till the Monday holiday and eat bagels on Sunday while they were still fresh.

As usual, there were some leftover pancakes, which Graham usually eats the next day. This morning however, I saw Graham snarfing some cereal for breakfast and I said "what about the pancakes?" He quickly explained to me that it made more sense to eat cereal on a snow day like today since it took longer to eat it than it did to eat the pancakes, so he was saving them for tomorrow, which he is assuming will be a regular school day with its compressed schedule, so that he can stay in his warm bed as long as possible (we've all been there). I had to bow down before his considerable wisdom on this one.

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