Saturday, April 03, 2021

Things left undone

Back in September, I posted about how I haven't undertaken many of the tasks others have during the pandemic, for example thoroughly cleaning out the basement, shredding old tax documents, etc. When I last wrote on this topic I speculated that the months of cold and short days and colder and longer nights might be a great time to do some of that stuff.

Indeed it might have been, but it wasn't to be. Admittedly I have done a few things and have made some incremental progress towards paring and being better organized. But not much. Who knows, today may be the day I get lucky.

But really what I want to do is finish reading this Alan Furst book so I can start something else and maybe get Graham to walk uptown with me to get burgers at Al's, since I have not had my statutory one serving of red meat per week and Al's is a great place to do it.

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