Thursday, April 29, 2021

Pushing back while sore

Yesterday afternoon Mary took my car to Southern States in Carrboro and loaded up on mulch. She got thirteen bags of it. Which is not very much and is probably more expensive, but is so greatly preferable to having a huge pile of the stuff at the foot of our driveway for months on end, which is what we get for trying to save money.

Naturally I enlisted Graham to help me get it out of the car and distribute it around the yard, per Mary's specifications. For one, because he was around, and secondly because his doctor has given us instructions to try to help him build up upper body strength, and we haven't been as consistent in that as would be ideal.

But he was a little grumpy when I told him we needed to do it. And then we went down to our neighbor Caroline's to borrow her mower, as we do, to mow our lawn. Luckily, their yappy dog Opie was not running free in the front yard, cuz at the very least he would have mouthed off at us. I don't think he's an actual nipper, he's just a little excitable.

When we got to mower out, I gave it to Graham to push up the hill, and he started pacing about, as he sometimes does. I could tell he was a little annoyed. "What's wrong?" I asked. Turned out, his arm was a little sore from getting his second vaccine shot yesterday. When he explained it to me, he even used the word "nonplussed," which shows he has been studying for his SATs. I had totally forgotten about the vaccination angle.

I apologized and pushed the mower up the hill for him, rather than turn it on early to get the motor assist, as had been his plan. Once more, it took a little digging, but Graham eventually came forward with how he was a little PO'd at me, which is a really good thing. 

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