Saturday, April 10, 2021

Back on two wheels

Got back out on my bike today for the second or perhaps third ride of the season. It was a perfect day for it. Being out on the bike got me back in a new mindset and lots of ideas came flooding back to me. I won't bore you with all of them, primarily because the main point is that the different way of being out in the world, biking, which offers its own rhythm.

Which was brought home to me when I turned left off of Eubanks onto old 86. It's a particularly narrow piece of road, which was brought home to me when I began to be passed by a bunch of super cars: A Porsche, then a Ferrari, then a Lamborghini, whose driver gunned his engine as he passed me and startled me off of the narrow shoulder onto the side of the road, where I stopped to let the line of traffic pass. And they kept coming, fancy Audis, souped up Mustangs, a Ford 308 GTO or whatever, about 20 of them, all going vroom vroom with their manly engines as they went 20-25 on a narrow country road. Clearly there was some sort of a rally going on. A bunch of fucking jackasses.

Once they had all passed, I continued on.

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