Sunday, April 18, 2021

The gathering storm of Sunday

I heard Graham bounding around downstairs just before 8:30 and realized he had a Quiz Bowl tournament starting at noon so I had better get downstairs to make pancakes. I had half a can of sweet potato that I had promised Mary I would use Sunday morning (so I shouldn't freeze it), and I'll be damned if I was gonna get up late and have her say "I told you you should have frozen it."

Next up: tennis with Z at 11:30. Beyond which stretches a bunch of tasks, much of it related to travel planning for the next couple of months both for me going to the Northeast to see folx and get Natalie out of her apartment, but also finding a place for Natalie to stay in the Bay area. There's other stuff on there too, LFA tasks, Graham college stuff...

Meanwhile, the biography of Frank Ramsey which I am reading (which I had long awaited) is gathering steam. Ramsey, having translated Wittgenstein's Tractatus at the tender age of 19, has just met Wittgenstein, and the book is about to accelerate as Ramsey meets Wittgenstein in Austria and their dialogue takes off, which will move Wittgenstein off the time towards his more interesting thinking.

Gotta go put water in bottles and make the bed.

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