Monday, January 10, 2005

Nice weather we're having

I hate it when, on a warm day in winter, some dipshit says "Nice weather we're having." That's like saying, "this cheeseburger deluxe tastes good, so it must be good for me." This is classic Eros / Thanatos confusion. "Good idea," I think. "You leave your coat at home today, and we'll relocate millions a couple of decades hence."

This is an especially warm, and therefore bad, winter. Global warming is no joke. It's a much bigger threat to us, long term, than Al Qaeda. Even if, as our friend Hemant the Scientist has pointed out, the evidence for global warming is by no means incontrovertible and rising temps over the last however many years appear to be correlated with solar activity, the anecdotal case for global warming is so strong and the risks of being mistaken so huge that we have to act as if it were true.

From an economic, if not human life, POV, the tsunami just a mellow dress rehearsal for the coastal destruction that will come from rising sea levels.

Disagree? So tsunami.

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