Thursday, January 06, 2005

Na na

"Na na" is apparently Graham's generic term for food, which is good, insofar as it appears to be a "word", or syllables actually signifying something. "Ma ma ma ma" also seems to be significant. It's damned frustrating when your kid crawls, walks, and talks late. Particularly when you've gone to fancy dancy schools and the expectation is that your kids are going to be perfect too. But sometimes they're just slackers, or, rather, they are precocious in their slackerdom, underachieving at an age where I never would have dreamed of it.

This is kind of a bad week for blog wit, I think. How are you going to wisecrack in the wake of 150,000-odd deaths? At least for once 9/11 seems to have been sort of put in the rearview. Not only does the US have a chance to do something defensible for the world and burnish its rep, it really brings to the forefront some reality that poor design and a lack of planning can quickly kill many more people than all the sneaky Ay-rabs you can shake a stick at.

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