Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Some facts

Josh and his team came through the office yesterday at around  3:45. He had requested space in which to make calls, which was no problem. When he got there, it turned out he was supposed to be on ABC News (national, not state) at 4 and we bustled around looking first for good lighting, then a combo of good lighting and background. At length we found it, after putting him next to an exterior window and moving some plants. 

Then I bustled out to the Farm, where I was due to meet Z for a match. We had moved the match earlier in the afternoon because of anticipated storms, which may or may not have ever gotten here last night. It was 90 out, though thankfully the humidity wasn't as high as usual.

90 may sound hot to a lot of people, especially in the sun, where we were when we started yesterday. In fact, there's a tendency to be fearful of playing in extremish conditions like that for people as old as we are. Thus far I'm pretty sure it's all bullshit. I've yet to find conditions one can't play through (or ride through on one's bike) if the motivation is right (beating your boy, for example) and hydration is at hand. Yeah you can cramp if you don't manage it right, but such is life. Very little is gonna kill you.

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