Monday, February 07, 2022

The Quickening of the Day

It's evening now, but this topic came to me first thing in the morning and then got blown away by the day itself. The quickening. Which happens when I sit down and think about all the things that could be done in the day, which starts to take on a momentum and life of its own, despite the exhausted state in which I so often begin it.

Which is, all in all, a good thing. Though a little too often I find myself getting sucked down into little bullshit systems tweaks and integrations which divert me from the funner stuff. But it nonetheless beats the alternative of having nothing to do.

A highlight of my day today was attending a Zoom AA meeting at Mary's family's old church in Larchmont, a meeting I had gone to many times when the family still owned the house in the Manor. Somehow I had missed my normal meeting on Saturday and I know better than to let too long go between meetings. Thought about attending one in Rochester then lost the URL, then remembered the one in Larchmont and, sure enough, they are running hybrid there, so there were maybe 10 people there in the room in the basement but also another 12 or so online. Which was all good.

In the middle of it my office mate poked his head in and offered to buy me lunch at Sister Liu's if I went and picked it up cuz he had a guest in the house. A reasonable trade, all in.

I guess I might as well head home now, though Mary has a meeting till 8 and Graham has one with a coach too. Modern living.

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