Tuesday, November 30, 2021

NFT your expertise

A guy I know from college, very smart entrepreneurial guy, is building some sort of social media platform that promises to let me "NFT my expertise," which I imagine would mean creating videos or other online artefacts which would garner some sort of micropayment each time they are accessed via some sort of Defi (decentralized finance) construct built on an Ethereum backbone. Which is nice.

But it would get messy and would involve accounting and aggregating come tax time blah blah blah. After I spent a fair amount of time this past weekend getting Mary set up to sell books on her web site and accept payment through it via PayPal/Venmo. That was pain in the ass enough. I still have to make that go live and then sell the books. And teach her how to take payment on Venmo.

Years ago -- and I've probably told this story before -- I had lunch with an old soccer teammate and friend who told me of how he had tried a new concept (a combination laundromat/upscale bar in South Florida) and lost a bunch of money on it, then realized that he never wanted to be in a business again where the basic business model wasn't clear and precedented. He subsequently went on to build a very successful boutique investment bank buying and selling car dealerships, and most recently bought a house back in Chapel Hill so he can split time between here, FL and also a nice house he has on Cape Cod somewhere, I'm told. That's a better model.

Speaking of, I need to get cleaned up and head off to the office so I can get stuff done before tennis at 4:30.

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