Sunday, November 07, 2021

Fresh and easy

OK, it is dark outside and it is only 5:34, which I will confess sucks. On the other hand, I have completed my application for Obamacare next year and, owing to the exceptional largess of the Biden administration, we will once more receive subsidies, if diminished ones, despite our growing income. Of course, there are a lot of ways that our income could end up being higher or lower than I predicted, but for the time being I am surprised.

In the middle of doing it a neighbor who has been a long suffering member of the LFA Board with me emailed about a fundraiser she is doing at her house. I guess I should give money since I just got some and it will be a good party, and she has given when I have been in raising mode.

I also just made our last ever tuition payment to Yale for Natalie. We may still hope for Graham.

Whoops. Gotta hustle to a book group meeting.

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