Sunday, October 24, 2021

On with the day

Graham had math tutoring with Cliff earlier than usual this morning, and since he is still in his license interregnum I had to run him over there. Which is 115% cool, because anything that takes me over to Carrboro on a beautiful Sunday morning is fine. Frankly it may be a net loss when he gets his license back, or I may start having him drive me over there just to make the trip and get out of the house.

While there I was reminded of Whitey, who had called me up to touch base earlier in the week while I was headed to Carrboro to meet with some people from the Arts Center. Turns out they were fundraising in what had been pitched as a "strategic discussion." Nice people, but a different conversation than I had been expecting. At any rate, remembering about Whitey on a sunny day in Carrboro naturally led to thoughts of lunch, so we are targeting Thursday 11/4 for a guys' lunch (put it on your calendar, Z).

As for the rest of the afternoon, that is burning up fast as I move towards a 4 pm court time and then an early evening get together in a neighbor's yard. It seems the whole world is on the same wavelength right now: "let's get together while it's still warmish outside and the pandemic seems to be headed in the right direction, because it may change up as the weather grows colder and people's risk tolerance moves backwards." I know I'm feeling it.

Meanwhile, I have a couple of home improvement type tasks on my list for the day. In principle I should get on them because doing so increases harmony in the household. The biggest spousal win I could get would be if I recaulked our shower. But honestly that feels better saved for the darker days of winter when we are nesting more tightly. Really I'd like to hang some art upstairs after lunch, which I'd better go eat. 

After all, I did fix the garbage dispos-all yesterday evening, which should get me some real brownie points. And I stopped in to Weaver Street for Mary's favorite bread.

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