Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Mist on the lake

It's that time of year again, when first thing in the morning a truly magical mist drifts along the lake. I'm only 55 now. In a few years perhaps I will be comfortable enough in my age to call it "glorious." On the best days, the perfect fall colors that gradually come into view as the sun rises and the shadow from the trees on the lake's eastern shore drifts down the trees on its western shore, illuminating their colors, and all of this is reflected through the mist on the lake.

This all happens pretty early and quickly. Right now it peaks somewhere around 7-7:15, depending on the day and the weather. I really need to just force Mary to get out of bed and come check it out, but she enjoys a bit of a sleep in. The video below is from December, 2020, so it's fairly late in the color season. Right now it's early. I'll try to capture a peak color morning.

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