Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Green lawn care

A recent post to the neighborhood listserv linked to an NYT article claiming that half an hour of using a two-stroke leaf blower was as bad, emissions-wise, as driving a big pickup truck across the country. I had never seen the impact stated so bluntly, but if it's true, it's damning. Even if it's off by a factor of 4, it's damning.

Then there's the problem of noise pollution, which is very real and very impactful on a lot of people's productivity with a big chunk of the population working from home. Lord knows I hate me some leaf blowers something fierce, as I have shared with you over the years, gentle reader.

Which makes me think about our lawnmowing arrangement. Right now we use our neighbor Caroline's old mower, with Graham at the helm. Maybe it's time we investigated an electric one. I will email her now.

But I also think there's a huge opening for green lawn care services, particularly in places like Chapel Hill. Yes it will cost more money. But right now people literally have more money than they know what to do with and everybody talks a mean game of being green. But will they put their green where their green is when the push mower comes to shove?

As a coda, of course this exists Green Energy Lawn Care

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