Thursday, May 03, 2007

Commuting use

Humming along the Parkway today, turned off the stereo to be quiet for a while, thought about what I would do if I needed to commute along that road. Perhaps I'd listen to more classical music, I thought, or talk on the phone more. Then I realized how ridiculous it was to think that I needed to be using all my time productively. For what, honestly? This is the Protestant work ethic run absolutely amuck in my delicate skull. Why should I not kick back and enjoy the delicate beauties of our fair state.

And then I go an blog about it.

Oh yes, today was a big day for the Grouse, which got exposure from Felix Salmon's Market Movers blog on Conde Nast's oh-so-tony My traffic went straight through it's thatch roof. One discerning reader in Utah even lingered and perused so long that he or she may even join the merry band of Grousereaders.


AS said...

I link it to grad school, too. That's when I decided to learn how to knit, so that when I was watching TV and not writing my dissertation, I could at least be producing something. Of course, that totally didn't work, because then I started turning on the TV to have an excuse to knit.

Anonymous said...

A long look from Utah can only mean one thing- so many wives so little length. Brigham may have thought that was the place, but this is the latter day stuff- watch the results grow forth and stultify.