Tuesday, February 15, 2005

And there's more

Not to be outdone, CNN's Money cobranded link off its front page informs us that the Sport Illustrated swimsite edition has spawned at $10 million industry. Think about that. Ten million dollars. Whew. For perspective, the US economy is only $10 trillion. My employer only grosses in the $10 million range annually. Wow. That's big news, and its front page placement has nothing to do with the fact that SI is a fellow TimeWarner property.


Anonymous said...

It is difficult to underestimate the importance of scantily-clad women in the US economy. I recall a class on advertising techniques in the 6th grade which revealed what unemployed psychologists and sociologists did with their knowledge. Instructing advertisers to place a celebrity or pretty face in an ad in order to elicit a positive association from the consumer, undoubtedly for the betterment of humankind.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Really. Look at the demise of Betamax - better technology outmanuevered by porn in the other video format. And do you think all this broadband explosion is so people can read CNN faster? duh.