Monday, March 04, 2024

On writing for more people

On LinkedIn recently I saw a guy from my co-working space posting about how he had written for an impressive number of days in a row on the platform and how his content had been seen by 10s of millions of people and he has over a hundred thousand followers. All of which has helped him raise his income.

He is, not surprisingly, a sales coach.

I confess I am a little intrigued by all of this, but transitioning to that kind of mode would be a huge shift for me. It's hard to tell if I am just bedazzled by all the numbers, as yall know I am a sucker for numbers.

Meanwhile, I am pretty much worn out now from a weekend of being with people. My sister came to town and stayed with us for the weekend, while Mary's brother Rob also arrived in town and will be residing in the house just across the lake parking lot from us. Which is lovely, but also potentially hugely disruptive to my well-established rhythm.

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