Monday, March 18, 2024

Another Spring Break come and gone

Took Graham back up to his dorm last night after dinner, marking the end of spring break. Quite typically, Graham came home, slept late, watched TV and movies with us, had dinner with family, and applied himself a little to the process of looking for a summer job. He couldn't be bothered to look for an apartment since he and his future roommate already have one which they judge good enough, even though I figure he'd likely be happier a little closer to downtown. Not a priority for Graham. He interacted with his girlfriend briefly when she brought some homemade Chinese deserts by the park behind our house.

As always, it was unfailingly pleasant to have him around. He's a fine young man. He even stepped in and remembered to do his normal chores with minimal prompting. I am sometimes a little mystified by the lack of diversity of the things that drive him. He continues to work hard to learn. He was reading Chinua Achebe's memoir over break and then some book for a class. He loves Quiz Bowl and his friends and teammates. Really he loves his communities -- including the chess and robotics communities.

I by contrast at his age was a hot mess of ambition, lust, feelings of insufficiency, desire for status and glory. I wanted to do everything and beat everyone at everything while seeming nonchalant and casual about it. As a result I was killing myself and bouncing off of walls. I've only gotten a little better, honestly. I have reduced the number of ways in which I gradually kill myself, which has slowed the process. By sheerest good fortune I've perhaps done a better job at this than many, but nobody's really counting. 

There is much to be said for Graham's approach. We are happy to have him so close.

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