Monday, October 23, 2023

Problem solving weekend

This weekend was a little different than most. Graham was back for fall break, there was the doubles round robin, the mayoral candidates rolled out their bandwagons in the park behind our house... Amidst all of this I applied myself to some rare problem-solving around the house. I fixed the TV's bandwidth issues in the rec room, made some progress going through stuff in my study upstairs (though not enough, to be sure), moved a chair from our bedroom to Graham's room and took the one in his room back out onto the deck, thereby finally declaring the pandemic to be over from a seating perspective and so on. Some movement is better than none.

Saturday lunch took me to Durham for what was supposed to be an alumni football game viewing organized by my friend Steve. It turned out to have been cancelled, so I had pernil with rice, beans and collards at Boricua Soul. Highly recommended. I was astonished to see just how many people were out at the sports bar Tobacco Road for lunch. I think I don't appreciate what hard-core abstemious WASPs we are. The idea of going out to lunch to some random sports bar without a specific event to justify it is just inconceivable to me. 

In general, Durham was hopping.

Beneath the bridge by the ballpark there was a truck serving meals to the homeless. There were many people there.

Saturday night we were supposed to go see the new Scorsese film at the Chelsea, then I discovered it was 3 and a half hours long. Graham was a sport and let us change our plans. Instead we watched Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows. With movies like that grossing north of half a billion dollars it's easy to see how the writer community would have concerns about LLMs eating their lunch. The proverbial monkey with a typewriter could have thrown together that piece of nonsense.

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