Wednesday, August 09, 2023

Primed and ready

A week from today Graham heads back to college and Mary and I board a plane for France first for Sophia Konanc's wedding, then for an additional week and a half of vacation down the coast of France and into Spain, flying out of Madrid. I am about ready.

My book of business is more or less at full maturity. Stuff comes at me from right and left, sometimes way out of left field, on many if not all days. I am beginning to see the virtue of doing things like bunching scheduled client reviews into certain portions of the year and holding other times free for professional development. Otherwise it feels like I never may quite get my head far enough above water to think deeply.

Ideally this vacation will help. In many ways it is reminiscent of our honeymoon back in '97, which took us from San Marino to Rome in a couple of weeks meandering around Umbria and Tuscany before hitting the Amalfi Coast and ending up outside of Rome at Eric and Anna's place. The main difference is that this time the internet is more mature (so we can plan a little more, if not too much) and so are we (I think even Mary won't take offense if I say I anticipate less sex on this trip). We'll also probably live a little better because we have more money. Other than that, frankly, it probably won't be that different, because we aren't that different. The biggest difference I guess is that the iPhone lets Mary take more photos so her photography is less limited by the cost of developing film, all of which makes her marginally less intentional about her picture-snipping. I have learned to walk in laps while she shoots, burning more calories.

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