Wednesday, March 08, 2023

Skiing in the West

And so, having now done the whole skiing out west thing, I'd have to say it was a good experience. I enjoyed myself skiing, except for the pain in my legs from the shear exertion of it all and using the quads in ways they weren't quite used to. Owing to the long lesson I took on eday one and my patient friends, who traded off baby-sitting me on the green runs, I made a lot of progress and was largely skiing parallelish by the end of day 2. I skied maybe 4.5 hours on day 1 and 3 hours on day 2, pulling the rip cord at lunch so as not to put myself at undue risk of injury.

I will likely go back and do it again though, honestly, it wasn't all that fun. I mean, sure, it was somewhat enjoyable, but not overwhelmingly so. It was more that I had a sense of accomplishment from not busting my ass, which is a somewhat low bar. Probably next time I'll have more fun because I'll be starting at a higher level.

All in, it was definitely expensive, and that's even after I borrowed all the clothes from Z. Certainly it was interesting to get an eyeball on the celebrated ski culture, but it's not like I have a shortage of opportunities to watch affluent white people doing their thing.

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