Monday, December 12, 2022

Leaving the house

In a very rare move, I will be leaving the house this morning for a number of things: first to meet my cousin Neva in Durham to pick up some gadget she has for my mom. Frankly, it all feels rather exciting and adventurous after this long period of working from home, if vaguely superfluous and somewhat frivolous. Admittedly, I will be doing things which involve actual atoms and not just bits: dropping off some old computer stuff at Triangle Ecycling, where if I'm lucky I'll get to see Larry Herst, the owner. I may also snatch up a spare laptop there, the same model I have here on my lap if a little newer. They seem to have a nice reconditioned one and mine is aging and right now Graham's computer is in the shop. I'll also pick up some cat food. Occasionally one needs to leave the house for something other than tennis, parties, or takeout.

BTW I apologize for dragging you through the mire of my quotidian realia. Sometimes it just happens and a man has to post and roll.

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