Monday, December 26, 2022

Christmas update

We had a lovely holiday. As my main present to Mary, I planned, shopped for and cooked both Christmas Eve dinner (nian gao with pork) and Christmas dinner proper (seared duck break with a blackberry sauce, rosti, and roast vegetables). Natalie made an awesome carrot cake. I made and maintained a fire, no mean feat itself given that my main fuel is limbs that have come down in the backyard and the park, many of which aren't perfectly cured just yet and which are just smaller than cut wood. I could of course order up some cut wood, and it would be nice to see Scott Jens when he delivers it, but there's less sport in that.

This year I got fewer presents than ever: only a Patagonia fleece vest to supplement my Eddie Bauer one which is my current winter omnigarment, but which has had a whole worn in its inner pocket over years (a decade?) of wear. I had ordered the new one weeks before Christmas but didn't open it so that Mary could give it to me as a present. The anticipation was killing me. Natalie correctly noted that wearing it made me even more of a finance bro, but if a professional uniform clan is soft, comfortable and affordable, what's not to like?

I also ordered a new desk lamp from Walmart (at Wirecutter's recommendation) that hasn't gotten here yet. The wait is making it so much sweeter. Natalie also brought us a nice chocolate bar and a lovely Christmas ornament from Alaska. But I got no books, which is totally fine because I already have so many.

My final present to Mary is to get Marvin over here to do some painting, a task which requires some attention.

Anyhoo, all in all it was a fine day. Mom came over and seemed to appreciate the whole thing, including the fire. Also the fact that Graham and Natalie have each gone over to spend an afternoon with her this week, when she is stuck around her apartment getting over a fractured patella and a broken wrist. 

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